Total Flow Management in OnAutomation
16 October 2019 - Molina di Malo
Total Flow Management in OnAutomation
Customer-based corporate re-organisation to create value
2019 has been a year of important changes for OnAutomation: from our move to new facilities to re-organisation, confirmation of partners and suppliers and the selection of new ones, all closely linked to our territory.
We have applied the Total Flow Management model to optimise our work processes. This has led us, with the aid of Francesco Favaretto, an experienced expert in modern company management systems, to take a broader approach to global organisation that involves the entire corporate process.
What do we mean?
Total Flow Management is a management re-organisation system that influences all the work processes of a company, involving all corporate activities: sales & operation planning, purchases, stores logistics, production, quality and distribution. It affects the entire CHAIN OF VALUE: from the supplier’s suppliers to the customer’s customers, from an intrafunctional approach to an interfunctional vision and inter-organisational perspective.
The essential objective of the method is to reduce waste and optimise processes so that the company works in a more streamlined, effective and efficient way to reduce time to market.
Total Flow Organization System
Enterprise Resource Planning
One of the key points is the implementation of a PULL production system: i.e. producing only what customers require, adjusting the production system by inserting so-called “regulatory” products. The market trend for these products can be forecast fairly easily, and a standard number is manufactured to achieve prompt time to market.
Regulated PULL Operational Model
From the assembly to Stock (PUSH system) to the Assembly to Order (PULL system) of "regulatory" products to be placed in the "super market" as semi- finished products.
- Fill the Production capacity
- Give stability to the entire Supply Chain
- Reduce Inefficiencies
- Increase product and service level
By using this global approach of Total Flow Management we wish to make our company more efficient and effective. The final aim is to create added value for customers, who are at the heart of our philosophy. With this system we can supply quality, high performance products and assure rapid service with the best quality:price ratio.
OnAutomation places quality not at the centre, but upstream, of its company processes. The Total Flow Management strategy begins with the product research and development stage, inserting it permanently into the company’s DNA, that is to say in all the business processes that create value for customers.
We therefore mean a Total Quality Company.
Below we reproduce an important statement by Toyota, which OnAutomation has adopted:
“We achieve brilliant results from average ability persons who work with and improve brilliant processes. Our competitors achieve mediocre results from brilliant people who work with faulty processes. When they are in difficulty, they hire even more brilliant people. We can only overtake them.”
How we have faced this new challenge
Our new facilities have helped us to physically and logistically re-organise a Total Flow system and hiring new key figures has contributed to implementing the process.
Francesco Favaretto, Supply Chain and Operations Director, who considers Total Flow Management the solution to customer satisfaction, has supervised and managed the entire re-organisation process. “Over 20 years’ experience in managing complex, modern supply chains to multinational standards, has given me the opportunity to bring to OnAutomation an overall vision that will lead the company to the highest level of competitiveness on the market”.
Francesco Favaretto states “My task is to effectively re-organise the company so that the different divisions speak to each other in order to avoid waste and qualify OnAutomation’s production process. All my colleagues, the proprietors and I are satisfied with the work done so far, but this is just the beginning of an adventure that will bring the company, and above all our customers, great benefits.”
Contact us for more information
For support or information on our products, please ask us, we will reply as soon as possible.
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